조금만 더 계시면 안되나요?
▶Preview (미리 보기)
Situational Conversation 1
A: Everything was perfect. Thank you for inviting me.
B: I enjoyed your company.
Situational Conversation 2
A: Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable.
B: May I leave my package here?
Situational Conversation 3
A: I must be going now. It’s getting late.
B: Can’t you stay a little longer?
▶Key expressions (중요 표현)
l I enjoyed your company. (함께해서 즐거웠습니다.)
= I enjoyed being with you.
= I liked being with you.
= I really had a great time with you.
l Can’t you stay a little longer? (조금만 더 계시면 안되나요?)
= Can’t you stay a while longer?
= Why don’t you stay a little longer?
▶Pattern Drills (문형 연습)
Today’s pattern drills: It’s getting + Adjective(형용사)
à (형용사)해 지네요. / ~네요.
l It’s getting late.
▶Questions (질문)
1. How often do you have a party?
2. Where do you usually have a party?
3. Could you tell me about a special party you experienced?
▶Sample Answers (샘플 답변)
1. Not occasionally. I only have a birthday party every year.
2. I had my birthday party at home when I was young, but now I have it at a restaurant or a bar.
3. I went to the Wine party with my friends last Christmas. We spent all night drinking wine and dancing. It was memorable Christmas to me.
<미리 보기 해석>
상황 별 회화 1
A: 모든 게 완벽했습니다. 초대해 주셔서 감사합니다.
B: 함께 해 주셔서 즐거웠습니다.
상황 별 회화 2
A: 편히 앉아 계세요.
B: 짐을 여기 내려놓아도 되겠습니까?
상황 별 회화 3
A: 지금 가봐야겠습니다. 늦었네요.
B: 조금만 더 계시면 안되나요?